You may have noticed that the ability to comment here as well as the ACTV dot video website has been disabled. That is for a specific reason. The world at large is either unable or unwilling to understand God’s truth.
You have to understand that God’s servants can explain it to you, but they can’t understand it for you. As a result, it is typical for people who can’t or won’t understand something to react by making mocking or derogatory remarks that do nothing more than drown out the message.
If our websites and various technology platforms were being monetized, then it would be financially beneficial to get as many comments as possible. Since that is not the case, we want to limit the ability to comment specifically to those who have been chosen to become members of our Social Network.
In that regard, you might think of it as having membership in God’s kingdom here on earth. Membership in our social network is gained either through request or invitation, usually from an existing member or by referral.
At the end of the day, God requires what Isaiah describes as the 144,000 nursing kings and queens who will physically gather in the house of Israel as the “Bride” for whom the Messiah will come again. Then He will lift them up to glory and destroy the wicked off the face of the earth.
The house of Israel does not know what they don’t know, so they must be taught. As Isaiah says, they must be “nursed” to maturity in the gospel.
It will be of paramount importance to teach them the “TRUE” gospel and turn their hearts back to their fathers. That is to say, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. To turn their hearts back to the covenants their fathers made that are binding on their children, that being you and I.
The first goal then is to reach and unite those 144,000 under God’s banner. Those who know the shepherd’s voice will obey their Master. If that’s you, please send us a request.
And the truth shall set you free.
May God Bless You!