PLEASE NOTE: The mobile view site is a separate site that contains mostly video, audio, and text posts only. IT IS NOT a mirror of this site, but rather a condensed version for quick and uncluttered viewing of the main materials that are contained here as well.
This site you are viewing now, with all the widgets and icons is designed for universal access and therefore is more cluttered with extra features that some people would find unnecessary.
If you find that to be the case, you can view the main body of posts on an alternate site that does not contain all the widgets and interactive features.
Simply click on the “Go To Mobile View Site” button at the bottom of this page to open in a new browser.
Make sure to visit here often, as this site contains many more resources to assist you in your journey back to the presence of God!
Make sure to share this information with others who are searching for truth.
I hope to see you around!